
2 Heart-Warming Movies To Put You In A Good Mood

Did you have a bad day at work? Are you not feeling well? Then the best way to cure your mood is to whip up some good old tomato soup along with a great feel-good movie. Movies are one thing that will put everyone in a good spirit and mood. Therefore, quickly order some tomato soup and take out the blanket and watch new Telugu movies online to instantly get you in good spirits.

There are several feel good and heartwarming movies that will instantly help you to lift your mood and take you out of your misery. Two such movies that will instantly help you feel good and will help you forget anything that is souring your mood are chittam maharani and sammathame.

You can exclusively find both these movies on the trending OTT platform aha. So if you or your family members are not feeling good, make sure that you are watching a great movie to turn the tables. Watching a feel good movie will not just provide you with comfort and make you laugh, but it will act as a warm blanket on your sad, not so happy days. Jump straight to the trending OTT platform aha to stream these two movies.

  • The plot of chittam maharani

The movie chittam maharani is a great feel good romantic watch for the viewers. The storyline of the movie is about Chaitra, who finds a guy named Raju online who eventually agrees to provide her with a ride to her hometown in the middle of the lockdown announcement. Everything between the duo is not fine as the previously shared past. It is further noticed that Raju has been hiding something from Chaitra as Chaitra arrives in Bangalore and further cracks a job; she eventually wants to explore the Garden City.

However, as lockdown is imposed on every City, she is homeless. Therefore, she decides to hit a ride and eventually finds Raju in a bike Pool application. As the duo have no other choice, they find themselves in Andhra Pradesh in the middle of chaos.

Chittam Maharani' review: A feel-good romantic comedy worth your time |  Telugu Movie News - Times of India

Simultaneously in another plot, a little girl has been kidnapped after her dance class, and a ransom has been demanded by the kidnappers. As her parents gather the money and further start travelling in order to hand in the package, they experience a series of events. Watch the movie to learn what happens next in the plot. The movie chittam maharani has quite a promising note and will fill your heart with contempt.

  • The plot of sammathame

The excellent feel good movie sammathame has quite an impressive plot. The story line of the movie presents Krishna, who loses his mother quite early during his childhood days. The young software engineer Krishna is all set out to find the right girl just like his mother and bring her into his life and get back the glory of his home. Krishna works out on the philosophy of marrying the perfect and right girl and eventually loves her for the rest of his life.

Krishna is one such individual who has entire clarity about the kind of girl he wants to marry. However, as we progress towards the plot, we notice that Krishna falls in love with Sanvi. Krishna believes the fact that he can change the life of Sanvi. The remaining portion of the movie presents how Krishna convinces Saanvi to be his life partner. The plot of the excellent movie sammathame is carefully tangled with logic. The director strategically presents the complications of every relationship.

The characters of the feel-good movie sammathame have excellently presented their emotions and made the entire plot more realistic and attention grabbing for the viewers.

Watch the Best Tamil Movies

Are you in search of a platform that streams movies telugu? Then in such a case, the popular streaming platform is here to your rescue. Watch movies belonging to different genres to help you lift your mood. Browse through the amazingly curated list of movies on the streaming platform aha to get the best recommendation.

Tips on How To Create An Elegant Fall Porch Decor

While the calm aura of autumn starts to emerge, a quiet residential area is getting the feeling of the festive season. The green turns to shades of yellow and orange, and the wind blows the fragrances of pumpkin and firewood. Yes, it is that particular time of the year when people are looking forward to updating their front porches for fall feelings.

Learning more about building fall porch

The heroine is accepting the colors of autumn

To build a beautiful fall porch, one has to start by selecting colors characteristic of autumn. Getting the idea from nature itself, elegant fall porch decor is moving on with the process. During fall, they go to the nearest park and gather maple leaves of different colors, ranging from red and orange to yellow. On getting home from the farm, they spread them on the wooden floor of the porch and lay down admiring the very many colors they had harvested. These natural colors shall be the basis of their decoration. They agreed to have deep burgundies, warm oranges, and touches of gold, considering the design as an autumn one.

elegant fall porch decor

Layering textures for depth and interest

Thus, the second direction uses various interior textures when the color scheme is chosen. It is crucial to design the surroundings where people will live and work to feel comfortable. The decorator first puts down a soft area rug with a small pattern in shades of the new fall season. It instantly gives a touch of welcoming warmth and establishes the area’s boundaries of where the porch is. These are placed on the porch swing and the rocking chairs, making the passerby drop and read a novel on a calm fall.

Incorporating natural elements

Concerning the main idea of fall, the decorator sees only the produce of trees, the leaves. They place a set of pumpkins and gourds of different sizes and colors at the main focal point, the urns. Most are left raw, although some are applied with metallic gold and copper hues for even more glamor. Sheaves of wheat and dry corn stalks are tied with raffia and put in the corners, creating a high and modest look for the show. A wreath on the door uses preserved autumn leaves and berries to make a good centerpiece.

fall decorating ideas

Essentials of lighting for aeration and security

When days become shorter, appropriate lighting is a crucial factor in most activities carried out in buildings. The homeowner ties and suspends warm white fairy lights on one end of the railing, which adds a gingery glow to the porch railing. They also changed the porch light fixture to a more elegant one, and a lantern was turned on the porch to match the interior look. The softer light of the evening turns the porch into a warm little corner after the sun sets.


Day by day, the days are going on, the leaves are falling, and the smell of wood smoke increases, but the beautiful and pleasant fall porch continues to glow as a symbol of hospitality. It calls all the people who will look at it to take a deep breath, feel the cold air in their lungs, and enjoy the beauty of winter.

Home Remedies for Common Skin Problems– Your Guide

Let’s jump directly into the Home Remedies for Common Skin Problems. So that you don’t have to deal with any bla bla bla.

 Dry Skin

 rough skin; skin that appears and feels tight and impaired; Itchy skin. A very basic fix to this is to include coconut oil in your diet. Coconut oil is another product that can be recommended when it comes to skin moisturising. Coconut oil can be rubbed on the affected areas in a thin layer and let it on for the night. In the morning, wash it off with warm water. Your skin should feel improved in terms of touch, which should feel soapier.


 Considering the rashes and itchiness that come with eczema as well as the burning sensation and flaking of your skin, I found that having an oatmeal bath helps a lot with these issues as I found that oatmeal has anti-inflammatory properties which will help soothe the skin that has been irritated. Oatmeal contains plenty of vitamins and anti-aging properties; It is recommended to grind one cup of oatmeal till it is very fine and then put it in warm water in order to make a smooth paste that can be applied to the skin by adding it to bath water. Stay in the bath for no more than 15-20 minutes and then rinse off your body, do not rub the skin with a towel roughly.

skin care


 Sunburn is generally characterised by pain and harm on the skin tissue. Although its mechanism of action has not been well investigated, aloe vera is a commonly reputed treatment for sunburn because, when you cut it, it has a gel-like substance that you can use to put on your burns and relieve the pain. It is a very great cooling and relieving agent that I found works wonders on my sunburned skin. You can perform this many times a day for relief from pain and hastens the healing process.

 Dark Spots

 Skincare issues such as hyperpigmentation which appear in the form of dark spots may be caused by the sun, acne or ageing. If you want to get rid of these, then I recommend that you use lemons as they have an acidic property which will help in lightening your skin; if you want to do this, all you have to do is get a lemon and cut it in half, then take the juice from it and put it on the affected are for 15 minutes maximum and then rinse it off. Again, one should not go out during the strong sunlight since the use of lemon juice makes the skin sensitive to radiation.

 Skin Care Recommendations you can do at Home

 Apart from the above said specific remedies there are some general homemade tips that one can follow to have a healthy skin. Hydrate your skin by taking a lot of water. Ensure that you take balanced meals especially fruits and vegetables to feed your skin the necessary vitamins and minerals. Do not use strong chemicals on your skin and prefer going for natural products when you can. Wash your face on a daily basis to minimise accumulation of the skin pores by oil and dirt. Hydrate your skin by applying lotions every time you go out in the sun or you can wear sunscreen.


And there you have it, some homemade tips for some of the skin issues that you may be facing at home. Remember that these are just what I found works for me and that you should try them out for yourself so that you will know which ones work best for you and your skin type, after all, everyone has different skin types, so until then, good luck!

Healthcare Harmony: Discovering the Symphony of Comprehensive Care

In the complex world of healthcare, where numerous facets intertwine to create a seamless system, the concept of healthcare harmony emerges as a beacon of patient-centric care. Much like a symphony where various instruments unite to produce a harmonious melody, comprehensive healthcare orchestrates a synergy of medical disciplines, technologies, and patient engagement to create an integrated and effective care experience.

Integrated Technologies for Seamless Care

In the modern healthcare landscape, technology serves as the conductor of the symphony, orchestrating seamless communication and integration. Electronic Health Records (EHRs), telemedicine, and digital health platforms bridge the gaps between different healthcare providers and facilitate the exchange of critical patient information. This integration ensures that individuals receive comprehensive care that is not only timely but also informed by a complete understanding of their medical history.

Patient-Centric Engagement

Healthcare harmony places the patient at the center of the symphony, recognizing the importance of active and informed participation in one’s own care. Patient engagement involves clear communication, shared decision-making, and education about preventive measures and treatment options. In this symphony, patients become collaborators, working alongside healthcare professionals to achieve optimal health outcomes.

Preventive Wellness as a Key Note

A fundamental aspect of healthcare harmony is the emphasis on preventive wellness. Rather than focusing solely on treating illnesses, the symphony of comprehensive care strives to prevent health issues through proactive measures such as screenings, vaccinations, and lifestyle interventions. By addressing health at its roots, healthcare providers aim to create a melody of well-being that resonates throughout a patient’s life.

Cultural Competence and Inclusivity

In a diverse and globalized world, healthcare harmony embraces cultural competence and inclusivity. It acknowledges that each patient is unique, with individual values, beliefs, and social determinants of health. By understanding and respecting cultural nuances, healthcare providers can tailor their approach to ensure that the care symphony resonates with every patient, fostering a sense of trust and inclusivity.

Continuous Learning and Adaptability

Much like a symphony that evolves with time, healthcare harmony recognizes the importance of continuous learning and adaptability. Medical knowledge, technology, and healthcare best practices are constantly advancing. Healthcare providers who embrace a culture of continuous improvement stay attuned to these changes, ensuring that the care symphony remains in tune with the latest advancements for the benefit of their patients.

By combining these elements, healthcare providers strive to create an orchestrated experience that not only addresses the immediate healthcare needs of individuals but also promotes long-term well-being. As the healthcare symphony evolves, the pursuit of harmony remains a guiding principle in delivering effective, compassionate, and patient-centered care.

Unveiling the Untold: Journeying Through Hidden Histories and Forgotten Tales

In the vast tapestry of human history, there are countless stories that remain untold, hidden beneath layers of time and overshadowed by dominant narratives. Yet, these hidden histories and forgotten tales hold invaluable insights into the diverse experiences, struggles, and triumphs of individuals and communities throughout the ages. Join us as we embark on a journey to unveil the untold and illuminate the forgotten, shining a light on the rich tapestry of human experience that lies beneath the surface of mainstream history.

Rediscovering Lost Narratives:

The journey of unveiling the untold begins with a commitment to dig beneath the surface and seek out narratives that have been marginalized, silenced, or erased from the historical record. From the voices of indigenous peoples whose stories have been suppressed by colonial powers to the struggles of marginalized communities whose contributions have been overlooked, rediscovering lost narratives requires a willingness to challenge established narratives and amplify marginalized voices.

Exploring Hidden Histories:

Hidden histories are often found in the most unexpected places – buried in archives, preserved in oral traditions, and etched into the landscape itself. Through archival research, oral history interviews, and community engagement, historians and storytellers uncover hidden histories that offer new perspectives on familiar events and shed light on overlooked aspects of the past. These hidden histories challenge us to reevaluate our understanding of the past and confront the biases and omissions that have shaped mainstream historical narratives.

Preserving Cultural Heritage:

Forgotten tales are not limited to written records; they are also found in the cultural traditions, customs, and practices of diverse communities around the world. From ancient rituals and folk traditions to endangered languages and disappearing crafts, preserving cultural heritage is essential to safeguarding the stories of generations past for future generations. Through efforts to document, revitalize, and preserve cultural heritage, communities ensure that their unique stories and traditions continue to enrich the tapestry of human experience for generations to come.

Reclaiming Lost Voices:

In the process of unveiling the untold, it is essential to center the voices and experiences of those whose stories have been marginalized or silenced. By amplifying the voices of marginalized communities, reclaiming lost narratives, and challenging historical injustices, we can begin to build a more inclusive and equitable understanding of the past. Through initiatives such as community-led oral history projects, grassroots activism, and inclusive curriculum development, we can work to ensure that all voices are heard and all stories are told.


As we journey through hidden histories and forgotten tales, we are reminded of the power of storytelling to illuminate the past, inspire empathy, and shape the future. By unveiling the untold, we honor the resilience, diversity, and complexity of the human experience, weaving a more inclusive and nuanced narrative of history that reflects the true breadth and depth of our shared humanity.

How to Handle Common Pet Care Challenges?

Pet ownership brings immense joy and companionship, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. Whether you’re a seasoned pet parent or a newbie, navigating through these hurdles can sometimes be overwhelming. Here’s how to handle some common pet care challenges:

  1. Behavioral Issues: Pets, like humans, can exhibit various behavioral problems such as aggression, anxiety, or destructive tendencies. Understanding the root cause is crucial. Consult a professional trainer or behaviorist who can provide tailored advice and training techniques to address these issues. Consistency, positive reinforcement, and patience are key in modifying undesirable behaviors.
  1. Health Concerns: Regular veterinary check-ups are essential for maintaining your pet’s health. Keep an eye out for any signs of illness or discomfort, such as changes in appetite, lethargy, or unusual behaviors. Promptly address any health concerns by seeking advice from your veterinarian. Prevention, through vaccinations, proper nutrition, and parasite control, is often the best approach to ensure your pet’s well-being.
  1. Nutritional Needs: Providing a balanced diet is vital for your pet’s overall health and longevity. Consult your veterinarian to determine the appropriate type and amount of food for your pet’s age, size, and activity level. Avoid overfeeding or feeding table scraps, as this can lead to obesity and other health issues. Additionally, always ensure access to fresh water.
  1. Grooming Challenges: Grooming requirements vary among different pets, but regular grooming sessions are essential for maintaining their hygiene and appearance. Invest in appropriate grooming tools and establish a grooming routine early on to make the process more manageable. If you’re unsure about how to groom your pet properly, seek guidance from a professional groomer or veterinarian.

  1. Environmental Enrichment: Pets thrive on mental stimulation and physical exercise. Ensure your pet has access to appropriate toys, scratching posts, or other enrichment activities to keep them mentally engaged and prevent boredom. Regular playtime and exercise are essential for their physical and emotional well-being.
  1. Training Issues: Training your pet requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. Whether you’re teaching basic obedience commands or addressing specific behavioral problems, approach training with a positive attitude and plenty of rewards. Consider enrolling in obedience classes or working with a professional trainer to hone your training skills and address any challenges effectively.
  1. Socialization: Proper socialization is crucial, especially for puppies and kittens, to prevent fearfulness or aggression towards people or other animals. Expose your pet to a variety of experiences, environments, and individuals from a young age in a controlled and positive manner. Gradually introduce them to new stimuli while ensuring their safety and comfort.

Stay Informed, Stay Protected: The Importance of Keeping Up with Employment Law Changes

In the present dynamic and quickly developing business climate, staying informed about changes in employment law is fundamental for the two bosses and workers. Employment laws administer different parts of the business representative relationship, including recruiting works on, working circumstances, wages, advantages, and end methods. By staying updated on these laws, people and associations can guarantee consistence, moderate legitimate dangers, and keep a fair and useful work environment climate.

Figuring out Legitimate Commitments

Employment laws are continually developing because of changes in regulation, court decisions, and cultural standards. It is urgent for managers to stay informed about their lawful commitments to representatives, including prerequisites connected with the lowest pay permitted by law, extra time pay, work environment wellbeing, against segregation, and badgering avoidance.

Safeguarding Worker Privileges

Representatives additionally benefit from staying informed about changes in employment law, as it engages them to state their privileges and look for plan of action in instances of working environment infringement. Realizing their privileges in regards to fair treatment, equivalent compensation, sensible facilities, and assurance against segregation and provocation empowers workers to advocate for them and consider managers responsible for unlawful practices.

Adjusting to Administrative Changes

Employment laws are likely to visit updates and corrections to resolve arising issues, mechanical progressions, and changes in cultural mentalities. For instance, ongoing authoritative changes might influence remote work plans, representative characterization (e.g., self employed entities versus workers), information security insurances, and paid leave approaches.

Forestalling Legitimate Dangers

Inability to conform to employment laws can open managers to huge legitimate dangers, including lawsuits, fines, punishments, and reputational harm. By staying informed about changes in employment law, managers can proactively survey their strategies and methodology to recognize areas of resistance and make a remedial move before legitimate issues emerge.

Advancing Decency and Value

Staying informed about changes in employment law isn’t just about legitimate consistence yet in addition about advancing reasonableness, value, and social obligation in the working environment. By adjusting their practices to developing lawful principles, managers can cultivate a culture of inclusivity, variety, and regard for representative privileges.

Staying informed about changes in employment law is critical for the two bosses and representatives to guarantee legitimate consistence, safeguard privileges, moderate dangers, and advance a fair and comprehensive work environment climate. By staying updated on legitimate turns of events and proactively tending to consistence issues, associations can establish a positive workplace that benefits all interested parties.