September 2024

2 Heart-Warming Movies To Put You In A Good Mood

Did you have a bad day at work? Are you not feeling well? Then the best way to cure your mood is to whip up some good old tomato soup along with a great feel-good movie. Movies are one thing that will put everyone in a good spirit and mood. Therefore, quickly order some tomato soup and take out the blanket and watch new Telugu movies online to instantly get you in good spirits.

There are several feel good and heartwarming movies that will instantly help you to lift your mood and take you out of your misery. Two such movies that will instantly help you feel good and will help you forget anything that is souring your mood are chittam maharani and sammathame.

You can exclusively find both these movies on the trending OTT platform aha. So if you or your family members are not feeling good, make sure that you are watching a great movie to turn the tables. Watching a feel good movie will not just provide you with comfort and make you laugh, but it will act as a warm blanket on your sad, not so happy days. Jump straight to the trending OTT platform aha to stream these two movies.

  • The plot of chittam maharani

The movie chittam maharani is a great feel good romantic watch for the viewers. The storyline of the movie is about Chaitra, who finds a guy named Raju online who eventually agrees to provide her with a ride to her hometown in the middle of the lockdown announcement. Everything between the duo is not fine as the previously shared past. It is further noticed that Raju has been hiding something from Chaitra as Chaitra arrives in Bangalore and further cracks a job; she eventually wants to explore the Garden City.

However, as lockdown is imposed on every City, she is homeless. Therefore, she decides to hit a ride and eventually finds Raju in a bike Pool application. As the duo have no other choice, they find themselves in Andhra Pradesh in the middle of chaos.

Chittam Maharani' review: A feel-good romantic comedy worth your time |  Telugu Movie News - Times of India

Simultaneously in another plot, a little girl has been kidnapped after her dance class, and a ransom has been demanded by the kidnappers. As her parents gather the money and further start travelling in order to hand in the package, they experience a series of events. Watch the movie to learn what happens next in the plot. The movie chittam maharani has quite a promising note and will fill your heart with contempt.

  • The plot of sammathame

The excellent feel good movie sammathame has quite an impressive plot. The story line of the movie presents Krishna, who loses his mother quite early during his childhood days. The young software engineer Krishna is all set out to find the right girl just like his mother and bring her into his life and get back the glory of his home. Krishna works out on the philosophy of marrying the perfect and right girl and eventually loves her for the rest of his life.

Krishna is one such individual who has entire clarity about the kind of girl he wants to marry. However, as we progress towards the plot, we notice that Krishna falls in love with Sanvi. Krishna believes the fact that he can change the life of Sanvi. The remaining portion of the movie presents how Krishna convinces Saanvi to be his life partner. The plot of the excellent movie sammathame is carefully tangled with logic. The director strategically presents the complications of every relationship.

The characters of the feel-good movie sammathame have excellently presented their emotions and made the entire plot more realistic and attention grabbing for the viewers.

Watch the Best Tamil Movies

Are you in search of a platform that streams movies telugu? Then in such a case, the popular streaming platform is here to your rescue. Watch movies belonging to different genres to help you lift your mood. Browse through the amazingly curated list of movies on the streaming platform aha to get the best recommendation.